The distinct brief named “Places” is intended to encourage and further my knowledge of the photographic capture in an extensive array of Locations for a variety of visual uses. Blackburn university is centered within a spectacular, diverse region, with a creative assortment of locations accessible for photographic exploration, including countryside, urban sprawl, coastline, rural villages and post- industrial towns. In order to succeed with the brief It will be essential to make multiple visits to locations and at least one overseas trip to provide myself with rich opportunities for photographic application.
We have been presented with four individual areas within this unit, each intended to stipulate the extent of study mentioned above.
A familiar place that is significant or important to you
A City or Urban Sprawl
Wilderness or Countryside
An‘alien’ or ‘foreign’ environment
Landscape and architectural photography is projected to display diverse areas within the world, professionals and amateurs alike practice this popular style of photography. Photographs classically capture the existence of nature and are often free of man-made obstructions. Landscape photographers typically endeavor not only to communicate and document, but likewise an appreciation of the scenery that is being photographed.
I have always been an admirer of outdoor photographer, the natural, effortless and pure lighting gives me a sense of achievement after a shoot.